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Download Our Delivery Cost Calculator

This is a helpful tool that shows exactly how much money is spent on each delivery.


On average fuel suppliers spend $71 per delivery, using the calculator will help to estimate the amount of money spent throughout the delivery process.

In the calculator there are places to calculate:

  • Depreciation Costs of Bobtails
  • Diesel Fuel for Bobtails
  • Driver Time, Wages and Benefits
  • Insurance
  • Maintenance and Repair Costs
  • Customer Service Rep Time, Wages and Benefits




About Tank Utility

Tank Utility helps propane fuel suppliers modernize their businesses and earn higher margins every year. With easy to use LTE tank monitoring devices connected with industry-leading software and analytics, Tank Utility offers real-time and actionable insight into your customer tank levels optimizing every day business activities such as eliminating wasted deliveries and increasing your drop sizes.  In addition, Tank Utility uniquely partners with you to market to your customers better with a branded mobile app and value added services that help you win, retain and engage your consumer and commercial customers while ensuring they never run out.

Contact Us

87 Summer St
Boston, MA 02110